These two magazines are aimed at completely opposing audiences. 'The Wire' is aimed at a very niche audience who enjoy professional and serious writing and reviews on music and appreciate the time and effort that is put into the making of the magazine. In complete contrast, 'The Source' is aimed at people who aspire to be like the person on the front cover with the money and the power. They enjoy music but look at music as another means of finding their identity in a mass of people that are doing the exact same thing, instead of having a passion for the music. This is why 'The Source' uses other ways to attract their audience such as high-profile rap artists and named designer brands, rather than getting down to the main back-bone of the music. 'The Wire' prides itself on its professional approach to music so feels it does not need high-profile celebrities to attract its audience because the content speaks for itself. Howver, the audience they are aiming to attract already feels that they do not follow mainstream pop culture so being able to break conventions is easier for them as their demographic like the idea of breaking conventions as it represents their attitude to breaking social conventions.
Although these two texts are very different, they do hav features which coincide as after all, they are still music magazines which are out to make a profit. The mastheads are both placed boldly at the top of the front cover to promote their brands identity at the forefront of it all. However, the image on 'The Wire' appears behind the masthead whereas the image on 'The Source' is placed infront of the masthead. This could be due to the fact that 'The Source' is a more established magazine so can afford to have part of its name hidden, whereas 'The Wire' is independently published and still hasnt found its feet amongst big named magazine titles so cannot afford for the image to cover the masthead as it needs to promote itself to the fullest. This shows the confidence of a magazine such as 'The Source' in comparison to independently published works.
The way in which each magazine promotes their inside articles is also very opposing. 'The source' advertise one main article in the banner running along the top of the page. This is a feature that does not appear on 'The Wire' as they promote the articles by using the name of the artist/band on the front cover as they know their audience take their music very seriously and are prompted to read the magazine if they see the name of an artist which they like. Additionally, these people are more open to new music so if they see the name of an artist they have never seen before they would probably be more intrigued to read more about them than a mainstream demographic who would be put off at the prospect of new and individual music. Hence why 'The Source' are using a high-profile rapper on their front cover who has been in the industry for a long time to create a sense of familiarity for the reader.
These two contents pages have taken two very different approaches to creating their contents pages. This is due to the fact that they have two different audiences and they need to create the correct mode of address for their audience to get as much attention as possible.
Vibe's contents page is quite sparse and challenges a lot of common conventions of contents pages. The main idea of a contents page is to create an easy way of navigating through the magazine but many magazines use this opportunity to promote as much as possible as people usually pick up the magazine in the shop and look at two things; the front cover and the contents page. This is why Vibe has challenged conventions on their contents page by making it very clean and crisp. They have used the page predominantly for professional fashion photographs which, although not music, fits into the theme of their magazine. They have anchored these images but not with descriptions, only designers names. This is an effective way of making people pay attention to the pictures to become intrigued and then move on to read more in the magazine.
'Q's way of creating their contents page was to pack as much information into it as possible to give the idea that there was a lot of content within the magazine. This even goes to the extent of including a short article on the contents page as if to give the impression that there wasnt enough room in the magazine because there was so much content. The pictures they used are anchored by the page number of the relative article which forces the reader to view the article if they are interested by the picture and this is an effective way to get the reader to move on through the rest of the magazine.
You can immediately see that the demographic for both of these sopreads is completely different. 'Q' are creating a more professional and classic style, aimed at an older demographic. We can tell this as firstly they have no title or sub-title, which gives us no focus or indication as to what the article is about. This can only be known through reading the lengthy copy which would immediately deter a younger teenage audience that the NME are trying to aim their magazine at. The NME have created spread that appeals to the crude and humorous nature of teenagers and uses innuendos and colloquial language to address their audience. The article is also much shorter than that in 'Q' magazine which is trying to approach a more intellectual demographic through their clean and classic look, compared to the cluttered spread in NME.
Both spreads are dominated by the image and this is a common convention of most double page spreads. However, NME has also included other smaller images which give the reader yet another line of focus. Whereas 'Q' have placed all their attention on the singular image of Lady Gaga. They are confident enough that the image is striking enough to not need suplementary images and as it is both in line with the male gaze and is in greyscale, this portrays a sexy but sophisticated mode of address for the audience.
The fact that Gaga is portrayed as a sex symbol here and the boys within NME are not is linked back to the male gaze theory. If the men were doing Gagas pose they would be degraded. Gaga, even though presented in a subordinate fashion, holds the attention and power in this shot. Therefore, women aspire to be like her and creates a successful double page spread. The boys in NME however are represented as care-free and therefore respected and looked up to by teenage boys. This reinforces dominant hegemonic values in our society.
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